Monday, February 14, 2011

A sneak peak at Jessica Leandra

Well we have something special for you all today! We got a chance to ask the gorgeous Jessica Leandra a few questions. So you may think you knew Jessica, but here is a extra special look at her!

Q: What is your best attribute and why?

Jessica: I believe my best attributes are being a hard worker, a high achiever and extremely down to earth lady! I love life, I have a passion for the things I do in life and generally I'm a happy, healthy person!

Q: What are guilty pleasures food wise?

Jessica: Oh no - here we go in letting all my secrets out, ha ha! I adore buttermilk rusks, chocolate and savory foods! Chinese food is a favourite, and for a healthy nutritious binge I spoil myself with sushi.

Q: What would you like to achieve by winning the FHM model for 2011?

Jessica: I'm in this competition for the title! I want that title deservingly! Winning FHM Models 2011 will provide me with bigger, better opportunities in the modelling industry! It will open many doors for me.

Q:If you were an animal, what would you be and why? 

Jessica: There's nothing more beautiful than a well trained and well groomed white horse! They're just such peaceful animals

Well I hope you enjoyed this inside scoop on the gorgeous Jessica! Remember you can vote for here here or sms "MODEL 27" to 34973